Comes with FREE ONE YEAR WARRANTY: We are the only vehicle seller with a full ONE year warranty. We do this because we stand for service after the sale!!
Call and speak to a live person -- no automated phone system.
- Children's buggy
- 196cc engine
- Fully automatic transmission
- Speed limiter. You have the option of dialing the speed down to a crawl for safety and training purposes.
- Remote kill switch. From the comfort of your porch you can kill the engine with the press of a remote button if you see a child headed for danger.
- A fully padded roll cage.
- Pull start
- 39mph top speed
- 7in front and 8in rear rims
- 14.5in front and 16in rear tires
- 4.33in ground clearance
- .79 gal fuel tank capacity
- 2 overhead spotlights
If you get this kart be sure to re-install the torque converter cover after replacing the belt. Long hair can get caught in the torque converter and literally rip a child's scalp off. ONLY get this vehicle if you will be diligent about re-installing the torque converter cover. The other option is to get a go-kart with a modern engine where all of this is encased inside of the engine. Call if you have questions.
- FREE One Year Warranty -- All Parts Included
- Lifetime Free Phone Tech Support
- Guaranteed Parts Availability
- Guaranteed Ride Plan
- No Shipping Fee Option
- 25% Parts Discount